Friday 25 June 2021

PRO/AH/EDR> Salmonellosis - USA (04): live poultry, multiple serotypes

Salmonella -- United States
Fast facts
Illnesses: 474 (311 new)
Hospitalizations: 103 (69 new)
Deaths: 1 (1 new)
States: 46 (3 new)
Investigation status: Active
Epidemiologic and laboratory data show that contact with backyard poultry is making people sick. Since the last update on 20 May 2021, one additional serotype (_Salmonella_ Mbandaka) and 311 more illnesses have been added to this outbreak investigation.
Epidemiologic data
As of 17 Jun 2021, a total of 474 people infected with one of the outbreak

Read more about it at HealthMap Global Disease Alerts via

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