Wednesday 23 June 2021

PRO/AH/EDR> Lassa fever - West Africa (10): Nigeria

Lassa Fever -- Nigeria
Current week (24) [14-20 Jun 2021] / Cumulative 2021 week 1-24 / Cumulative 2020 week 1-24
- Suspected cases: 70 / 2167 / 5079
- Confirmed cases: 6 / 32 / 1031
- Probable cases: 0 / 3 / 14
- Deaths: 2 / 62 / 214
- Case fatality rate (CFR [%): 33.3 / 20.5 / 20.8
- Number of states affected: 2 / 14 / 27
- Local government areas (LGAs) affected: 6 / 58 / 129
- In week 24, the number of new confirmed cases decreased from 4 in week 23 2021 to 6 cases. These were

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