Saturday 26 June 2021

PRO/AH/EDR> COVID-19 update (219): USA, life expectancy, Africa 3rd wave, WHO, global

COVID-19 -- Worldwide/Unknown
WHO region (no. countries/territories):
Total confirmed cases (new cases in last 24 hours) / Total deaths (new deaths in last 24 hours)
Western Pacific Region (19): 3 465 715 (18 050) / 53 315 (232)
European Region (61): 55 595 648 (57 126) / 1 178 896 (994)
South East Asia Region (10): 34 435 926 (81 803) / 480 681 (1930)
Eastern Mediterranean Region (22): 10 827 780 (34 454) / 214 390 (493)
Region of the

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